Campers! Please visit the Bootcamp page for resources you need for this program.

Participants in this Bootcamp are using tablets to engage with content in the HP LIFE e-learning series for entrepreneurs, which focuses on entrepreneurship, business, and IT skills. Campers are participating in weekly meetings to discuss topics and brainstorm ideas such as how higher education can incorpora
te ideas from startups and maker culture. Weekly blog posts here encapsulate discussion and provide opportunities for reflection and collaboration. Participants will also complete a brief pre-camp survey and post-camp survey, a potential lesson plan and participate in weekly meetings. Potential outcomes of the program include incorporation of innovative teaching practices using entrepreneurial ideas in the 21st century classroom, establishing a community of practice focused on innovation and entrepreneurship, and a stronger network of technology startups and makerspaces within the Athens, Georgia region.
Participating faculty will receive HP course certificates, ATC professional development credit of 15 hours, a tablet for participation and a stipend upon completion. Participation will be by application and faculty must participate fully to receive the tablet and stipend. The CTL will facilitate and coordinate the program, hosting meetings and providing support.
Campers, check the LMS for more important information.
- Week 1 (9/6 - 9/12): PreSurvey/Tablet pickup/Getting started work
- Week 2: Finance (9/13-9/19)
- Complete at least one mini-course from the HP LIFE E-Learn Finance section
- Write your weekly reflection on your topic from the Finance section focusing on application to your “pitch”
- Participate in weekly discussion - Video Conference - Google Hangout
- Week 3: Marketing (9/20-9/26)
- Complete at least one mini-course from the HP LIFE E-Learn Marketing section (Social media marketing, Unique value proposition, Selling online, Setting prices. and/or Marketing benefits vs. features)
- Write your weekly reflection on your topic from the Marketing section focusing on application to your “pitch”
- Participate in weekly discussion -Video Conference - WebEx
- Week 4: Operations (9/27-10/3)
- Complete at least one mini-course from the HP LIFE E-Learn Operations section (Maximizing capacity, Managing contact information, Customer relationship management (CRM), Hiring staff, Inventory management, and/or IT for business skills)
- Write your weekly reflection on your topic from the Operations section focusing on application to your “pitch”
- Participate in weekly discussion - Asynchronous Discussion - Blog comments
- Week 5: Communication (10/4-10/10)
- Complete at least one mini-course from the HP LIFE E-Learn Communication section (Your target audience, Effective presentations, Business email, Presenting data, and/or Effective business websites)
- Write your weekly reflection on your topic from the Communication section focusing on application to your “pitch”
- Participate in weekly discussion - Video Conference - Blackboard Collaborate
- Week 6: Wrapup (10/11-10/17)
- Present lesson plan for discussion
- Post lesson plan via the blog
- Participate in weekly discussion
- Complete Post-Survey - Center for Teaching & Learning
Stipend to be distributed upon receipt of completion stipend from HP/NMC and will be distributed to successful campers.