Friday, September 25, 2015

Maximizing Capacity + tips to pass without frustration

I managed not to procrastinate and got ahead of the game.  I found the course on "Maximizing Capacity" to be my favorite so far.  Time management is a difficult task to master for instructors let alone students.  It a great skill for everyone to learn and is applicable to any field.

Tips to beat the user interface for this lesson:
1) You must pay your bills to pass.
2) Maximize the amount of money you earn per hour to meet your daily quota.  A 2 hour lamp repair for little cash won't help you.
3) For the excel merge feature you cannot simply left click on an end cell, press shift, and left click on the other end cell.  You must click each cell individually.

1 comment:

  1. Your POST has made me go back and capture that lesson. It is frustrating that the program will only allow ,"THEIR WAY", of doing things in a software where many options for completing the same task are available. Andy
